Posts in Category: Pet Safety
Leash Lies: 6 Behaviors To Stop Today

We have all heard them: The Great Leash Lies. We may have even been guilty of saying them out-loud. Our pet is approaching someone and those silly words come out before we can even think; “Don’t worry. He’s friendly!”
OK… But, where is his leash??
Regardless of an animal’s outward demeanor, leashing your pet is not only responsible pet parenting, it’s literally required by law. Still though, every year tens of thousands of people end up in emergency rooms with dog bites. Many of those injuries because a pet wasn’t properly secured and/or the owner wasn’t paying close enough attention. Remember, proper pet parenting starts at home. And it begins with recognizing those menacing Leash Lies and fixing them.
Continue…Pet Safe Travel: 5 Road Trip Tips

Pet safe travel with your critter doesn’t have to be tricky.
Road trips seem to be absolutely essential to the American way of life. The open road, the wind in your hair, the music up… there are few things better in this author’s opinion. And besides, travel is good for us! It opens our minds and eyes to all the beauty in this wonderful world. It also allows us an opportunity to see how people live outside our own home towns. And who wouldn’t want to bring their four-legged best friend along for an adventure?
Continue…Pet Safe Travel: 5 Flying Tips

Whether it’s Spring Break, Summer Vacation, or the Winter Holidays, we are always planning and dreaming of the next escape… especially once the travel restrictions begin to lift in a few weeks! Travel is good for us. It opens our minds and eyes to all the beauty in this wonderful world. It also allows us an opportunity to see how people live outside our own home towns. And who wouldn’t want to bring their four-legged best friend along?
Continue…It’s National Pet ID Week!

National Pet ID Week is April 19-25, 2020 and now is the perfect time to make sure your pet is safe!
It’s National Pet ID Week and Lincolnshire Animal Hospital wants you to think about updating your pet’s tags. A lost or stolen pet is devastating, and the overall odds of it happening to you, unfortunately, can be pretty good.
Continue…National Dog Bite Prevention Week®

Just because a dog looks small and harmless, doesn’t mean it is. Even the most sweet and loving of animals can bite or snap if provoked. What’s more scary – some owners actually promote aggression in their dogs or allow aggression to go unchecked. This often leaves well-intentioned folks injured or worse.
Do you know how to prevent a dog bite?
Continue…April is for Heartworm Awareness

April means Springtime: baby animals learning how to forage, birds chirping in the trees, the days growing noticeably longer and warmer, and of course…BUGS.
Springtime means bugs. But more specially, it means mosquitoes. Those nasty, blood-sucking spawns of Dracula that do nothing but cause itching and discomfort. They’re awful and always happy to spoil a party. However, thanks to modern bug repellents, humans have been able to limit their exposure to these little devils.
But what about our pets?
Continue…Is It A Pet Emergency?

It’s 8:00pm on a Thursday and your dog or cat is starting to act strange. You’re worried that there may be something wrong and you’ve Googled your pet’s symptoms on your smartphone and have read some concerning things. But it’s late, and your vet’s office is closed for the night. Is it really worth it to take your pet to the animal emergency room right now, or do you risk it and wait until your veterinarian is open tomorrow morning?
Can your pet wait that long? Is it a pet emergency?
Continue…Winter Weather Pet Tips

Cold, chilly, and wet weather is everywhere this time of year! Did you know that the cold can be just as dangerous to your pets as the heat, if not worse?
Lincolnshire Animal Hospital wants to help remind you of a few Winter Weather Pet Tips that will help your four-legged friend in the cold.
Continue…Planning a Pet Safe Holiday Season

Follow Lincolnshire Animal Hospital’s Helpful Tips and Tricks to Planning the Perfect Pet Safe Holiday Party!
It’s that time of year again… the wonderful holiday season!
No matter what you celebrate – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas – these festive days are full of welcome guests, rich foods, sparkly decorations, and delicious desserts. More often than not, these days also include a busy host who may be a little distracted making sure there is plenty of food and seating, cleaning the house guests, and setting dinner tables… and not always paying attention to Fido or Fluffy. Lincolnshire Animal Hospital would like to help you take the stress out of the holidays with these helpful tips to planning a pet safe holiday season: