Our Veterinary Blog
Toxic Treats: What You Need to Know

The ASPCA Poison Control Center handled more than 200,000 cases in 2018 concerning potential poisonings and toxic treats.
We’ve all done it. Your fur-baby is sitting next to your chair, those big eyes fixated on YOUR dinner plate. The anxious shift of the feet as they wait patiently for a reward for being such a good boy or girl. We don’t even think about it. We pick up a juicy cut of meat or a cheesy lump of whatever and toss it down to the eagerly awaiting critter. No big deal, right?
Continue…Poison Prevention Awareness: The Basics

March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month, bringing attention to many of the toxins and dangers that may lurk, unknowingly, in your home.
It’s that time of year – Poison Prevention Awareness! The third week of March was dedicated by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 as National Poison Prevention Week. For nearly 60 years, our government uses this time to educate the public on how to recognize, and protect against, poisonous substances. Over the years, Poison Prevention Awareness has unofficially expanded to the entire month of March, and now includes both humans and animals.
Continue…Pet Dental Month Facts: Did You Know?

Every February, animal hospitals and animal brands around the country celebrate National Pet Dental Month!
Created by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), Pet Dental Month is an effort to educate the public about the importance of oral health for your pet’s overall wellbeing. Since its creation, National Pet Dental Month has been a yearly call for millions of pet owners to stop into their vet and check on the dental health of their four-legged friend.
Continue…Celebrate National Pet Dental Month!
It’s almost February and that means National Pet Dental Month!!

Every February, in an effort to bring attention to a crucial part of your pet’s health, the veterinary world participates in National Pet Dental Month; a reminder that proper oral health can make a world of difference to your pet.
To celebrate, Lincolnshire Animal Hospital is offering 10% OFF ALL DENTAL SERVICES** and FREE DENTAL EXAMS WITH OUR TECHNICIANS for the month of February!
Continue…Is It A Pet Emergency?

It’s 8:00pm on a Thursday and your dog or cat is starting to act strange. You’re worried that there may be something wrong and you’ve Googled your pet’s symptoms on your smartphone and have read some concerning things. But it’s late, and your vet’s office is closed for the night. Is it really worth it to take your pet to the animal emergency room right now, or do you risk it and wait until your veterinarian is open tomorrow morning?
Can your pet wait that long? Is it a pet emergency?
Continue…Winter Weather Pet Tips

Cold, chilly, and wet weather is everywhere this time of year! Did you know that the cold can be just as dangerous to your pets as the heat, if not worse?
Lincolnshire Animal Hospital wants to help remind you of a few Winter Weather Pet Tips that will help your four-legged friend in the cold.
Continue…Planning a Pet Safe Holiday Season

Follow Lincolnshire Animal Hospital’s Helpful Tips and Tricks to Planning the Perfect Pet Safe Holiday Party!
It’s that time of year again… the wonderful holiday season!
No matter what you celebrate – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas – these festive days are full of welcome guests, rich foods, sparkly decorations, and delicious desserts. More often than not, these days also include a busy host who may be a little distracted making sure there is plenty of food and seating, cleaning the house guests, and setting dinner tables… and not always paying attention to Fido or Fluffy. Lincolnshire Animal Hospital would like to help you take the stress out of the holidays with these helpful tips to planning a pet safe holiday season:
Continue…Welcome to Our Blog!
Welcome to Lincolnshire Animal Hospital’s new blog! Please keep yourself amused while we work on our first post!