Introducing Lincolnshire Animal Hospital Dog Therapy Group (LAHDTG)

Who We Are
We're a dedicated group of volunteers who believe in the healing power of dogs. Our mission is to bring comfort, joy, motivation and companionship to those in need through our Dog Therapy program.
History and Mission
Based in Chicago's northern suburbs, LAHDTG has a rich history that spans more than four decades. Our group was established by a small group of hospital staff and their pets, making it one of the first pet therapy groups in the country. Since its inception, LAHDTG has grown to include more than 40 dedicated handler/dog teams. Our group has received several awards, and has been recognized in newspapers, on TV and by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Our mission is simple: to provide comfort, compassion, and healing through the power of Dog Therapy. We believe that the bond between humans and animals can make a significant impact on physical and mental well-being.
What We Do
Also known as animal-assisted therapy, Dog Therapy involves using dogs to help individuals heal and cope with various health and mental conditions. Here’s how it works: our trained volunteers bring their certified therapy dogs to meet with groups or individuals. During these visits, the dog and volunteer follow instructions to meet goals outlined by therapists, teachers, doctors, activity directors or other authorized individuals. Together the volunteer and dog provide comfort, affection, motivation and companionship.
Dog Therapy has numerous benefits, including:
- Reducing Stress: Interacting with dogs lowers cortisol levels and blood pressure.
- Combating Loneliness: Visits help reduce feelings of loneliness and increase social support.
- Improving Mood: Dog therapy boosts energy levels, self-esteem, and overall mood while decreasing depression.
- Enhancing Motor Skills: Patients often experience improved movement and motor skills.
- Strengthening Social Skills: Verbal communication and social skills improve through interactions with our therapy dogs.
Who We Serve
- Homes for adults with special needs
- Schools for children with anxiety and depression
- Memory care and assisted living facilities
- Religious organizations
- Acute and long-term rehabilitation programs
- Community schools
- Teen Transition programs
- Private visits
Want to Get Involved?
If you're interested in volunteering with LAHDTG, here's what you need to know:
- Age requirements: Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, and dogs at least one year old.
- Time Commitment: While volunteers aren’t expected to attend all visits, we require a minimum of 10 outings per year to remain an active volunteer with the group.
- Certification: Dogs must pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test to be certified as a Therapy Dog with LAHDTG.
- Qualifications: CGC certified dogs and handlers must pass an additional aptitude test administered by our group director. This test demonstrates obedience, tolerance of medical equipment, friendliness, and compatibility with people and other dogs.
The community's response to Lincolnshire Animal Hospital Dog Therapy Group has been overwhelmingly positive. We continue to make a difference through the healing power of our furry friends. If you’d like to learn more or get involved, call (847) 716-0572 or connect with us on the facebook group for Lincolnshire Animal Hospital Dog Therapy Group or at the Lincolnshire Animal Hospital Facebook page.